
Halloween Card-making party 萬聖節咭製作派對



Thanks to Tolani's invitation, I am so glad that I had the chance to join a Halloween Cardmaking party last Sunday. Apart from a gentleman in suit who arrived later to make us cocktail (mmm....), all participants were girls. (We did talk about what motivated men to take part in a party like that.....)

Our very hospitable and generous host, Avril, prepared plenty of craft materials and tools. A delightful afternoon passed quickly in chat and laughters. As Tolani said, making handicraft can be very therapeutic!
Note: Since I forgot my super-duper digital camera, I could only use the camera on my mobile phone to capture our very precious moments. Please excuse for the quality of the pictures.)
How could a party work without nibbles & alcohol?

製作賀卡的材料 Materials for creating the Halloween cards

充滿創意的製成品 (中央的立體蜘蛛卡是在下的作品)
Finished product made by our creativity juice (the 3D Spider card is my work of art)

Jack(-o-latern) seems happy with the glass of cocktail

2 則留言:

Unknown 說...

I love the pumpkin!!! It's quite impossible to make one like that in HK...What a pity...

不再thin的阿thiN... 說...
