
Deer Crossing Road in Richmond Park

Dermot and I had a long bike ride down the biggest Royal Park, Richmond Park, yesterday. It's a roasting hot day, but we had much fun. We witnessed a really interesting scene: a flock of deer crossing the road!

Want to see more of it? Play the following clip. I filmed almost the whole process:



(上圖: 茄子,英國人稱之為aubergine)
(上圖: 新鮮大條的Okra)


昨日適縫到倫敦東部的Green Street「印度街」線面及做Facial,順便買餸,因為那兒的街市實在太平la~~~~~(當然係英國水平的平)。mm....有d似我阿媽去深水涉買餸。以下是我昨天買的東西:

1. 大雞上脾6件(非急凍): £3


3.一盒2公斤6個巴基斯坦芒果(似呂宋芒,但更加甜), (註:超市賣的芒果多是以色列或加勒比海產的圓紅皮芒,質地較硬):£3

3. 4條細紅蘿蔔:20p

4. sweet mango chuney:£1

5. 5個青檸:50p

6. 2個茄子:80p

7. 2個小黃瓜:30p

8. 全蛋麵(一包有6餅):65p

Ben & Jerry Festival 28July 2007

It's been another year, since last year's Ben and Jerry Festival!!

看過我的舊blog都知London每年都有一個有得玩,有得睇(今年的line-up有The Feeling, Kate Nash和 The Bee呢!!!),有得任食雪糕的Ben & Jerry weekend。今年因為去festival前去了'飲茶',所以無復舊年勇猛,只食了4杯雪糕。

今年更加演一幕"power cut"!正當 The Feeling唱他們的首本名曲"Never Be Lonely"時,突然停電。It's a shame that they never get to finish that song.....
(左圖:Little Holly and I 右圖: Dermot in front of a Ben & Jerry's counter)




一天,我的辦公桌上的電話嚮起,handset中傳來焦急的聲音:「Hey Hanna, we need your help! Come around to the other side of the office. There's a major flood here.」太假了!!! 當我走到office的另一邊,只有燭光和大家唱起Bitrthday song......有點感動.......