
Sichuan Earthquake

"A 3-day mourning will begin with a three-minute silence at 1428 ((Monday 19 May 2008, 0628 GMT), exactly a week after the quake struck the south-western Sichuan province."
BBC News, 18 May 08

Probably I will be still in bed by then and cannot join my fellow Chinese with the 3 min silence on the other side of the world. The only thing that I can do is to give a donation and to pray for all the people in Sichuan who died or being affected by the devastating disaster.

For those who would like to make a donation, please click on the following link to the website of Chinese Embassy. They have an account in Bank of China (UK) dedicated to Sichuan Earthquake:

It was reported that the Japanese recue team gave a 15 sec silence mourning whenever they found a dead body in the rubble, a truly respectable attitude towards life and death. Just hope Sichuan people's (and neighbouring provinces) lives can be rebuilt soon.


Saturday Picnic

Finally the sun comes back to London! The temperature went up as high as 27c today. It also made it the perfect time to picnic on the heath. We have been inviting friends to the picnic during the week. It turned out to be a sizable party and..... a baby play-day......

Below Left: Zak isn't happy with his cheese slice?; Right: Nicholou and I were collecting twigs.

Below: Roshan and I were chatting away, but not for long...... cause I was the little ones' preferred play-mate of the day.



基本材料: Butternut Squad (或南瓜)半個、蕃薯一個、Leek* (可用京蔥代替)一大條、洋蔥2隻、薯仔一隻(大)、西芹(按喜好)...... (家裡剛巧有Baby Corn和蕃茄 (去芓),它們也湊熱鬧,跳進湯裡頭去了。)清雞湯約300ml。
1. Butterbut Squad 、蕃薯、薯仔削皮切粒。其他材料切絲/粒。
2. 在湯窩裡以中火加熱約1 1/2湯匙油,先爆香Leek和洋蔥。
3. 陸續加入西芹及其他材料。
4. 加水及清雞湯 (水及清雞湯要剛好蓋過所有材料)煮約30分鐘(每5-10分鐘攪拌一次)。
5. 用薯蓉壓(potato masher)把湯料在窩裡壓至糊狀。(喜歡較smooth的朋友可用food processor,但我喜歡較coarse的口感)。
6. Serve with Baguette.


我家門前有多棵櫻花樹,上星期初趁花開得最盛的時候,很自私地折了兩枝(一白,一粉紅)帶回家。可惜花兒只陪伴了我們數天,家門前樹上大部份的花兒也因為風雨而敗落了...... (有點傷感.......)