
不用開工的日子(二) --Dover Street Market

星期二〈三月二十三日) Dover Street Market

在三越瀏覽後,我便到Dover Street MarketDover Street Market(DSM)聽起來像個廉價的街頭市場,其實是高級前衛時裝店。毗鄰皇家藝術學院(Royal Academy of Arts),附近的都是高級時裝精品店如PradaGucci, Louise Vitto, 三宅一生等。DSM的主腦是鼎鼎大名的日本時裝設計師川久保玲(Comme des Garçons 的創辦人)DSM成為很多時尚人士的參拜朝聖地,除了是因為川久保玲的聲譽外,還因貨品都是精心挑選的名師之作,以藝術感相當重的形式陳列展出。

老實說,我個人無法負擔DSM內九成的商品,或具有體型和個性駕馭這樣的前衛時尚。因從事服裝的工作,悉知生產成本,我永遠不會支付945英鎊購買一件Nina Ricci小上衣。不過,我挺喜歡店內的陳列風格,七樓層各有不身的主題和特色,而且某些服裝和精品的簡約設計很聰明,雖然對大多數人來說,這不是那種可以穿著工作的衣服,可以說是一種設計師為藝術工作者設計的服裝。也許我不像一個會在那兒購物的人,銷售員也沒有主動向我推銷什麼,這使我感到頗自由,更享受在DSM瀏覽。

(: 我原以英文撰寫這篇文章,原文節錄於這blog的後半部份。)

(The above pictures are all from Dover Street Market Official Website.http://www.doverstreetmarket.com/)

After browsing in Mitsukoshi. I proceeded to Dover Street Market. Dover Street Market (DSM) sounds like a cheap pedestrian market. It is in fact a up-market avant garde fashion select shop, founded by the Japanese fashion designer Rie Kawakubo (Founder of Comme des Garçons). It is situated in the posh part of London-Mayfair. Its premium fashion boutiques neighbours are the like of Prada, Gucci, McQueen, Isay Miyake. DSM becomes a shrine to a lot of fashionistas. Partly owing to the reputation of Rie Kawakubo, also because of the ever innovative display. You never find it boring there though some of the sections of leaning towards the pretentious side which may not be everybody's taste.

I have been wanting to visit Dover Street Market for a long while. It is always busy there during weekends, so it's really good that I got a chance to go there during the week. Personally, I would not be able to afford 90% of the merchandise there (or have the body figure and personality to carry these avant garde fashion). Working in fashion, I have a good insight about garment production cost. I will never ever pay GBP945 for a Nina Ricci little top. This is just impossible. However, I love the style there and found the minimalistic designs very clever. These are not the kind of clothes that you would wear to work. I would describe these as clothes designed by designers for designers. Probably I do not look like a real shopper, the sales consultants there did not push to sale anything to me, which make me feels kind of free.



星期一 (三月二十二日) Westfield購物中心/印度街

早上十時左右到達Westfield (全英國最大購物中心),因訂了十一時三十分的戲票睇《阿凡達》(Avatar)。因為時間尚早,遊人非常疏落,諾大商場顯得更加寬大。喝過咖啡、閒逛了一會後便入場看戲去。據新地電子通勝該日宜美容、理髮,但因為仍是正月,最好還是不理髮,所以看完戲便到了印度街美容。印度街像往常一樣忙碌。也許因該區的顧客主要為 印度、加勒比海和非洲人,所以除印度、加勒比海和非洲食品外,超級市場內其他種類食物的質量真的有點底落,但蔬菜卻較市中心的便宜多,所以我也因利成便,買一點新鮮蔬菜回家。

星期二 (三月二十三日) 三越百貨

原打算星期二跟德米午餐後參加城市中的秘密花園步行團,可惜那天下午不停下雨,只好改改變了我的計劃,前往三越百貨和日本中心。倫敦三越是三層的小型百貨公司,地面一層主要是售賣一些高級的歐洲設計品牌手袋,此樓還有一個小小的哈羅德(Harrods)專賣部;地底一層銷售高檔巧克力和糖果,同時為一日本的書店和旅行社;樓上,則是Burberry, Dunhill, Ferragamo 等名牌特許專賣部。也許是因為三越僱用會說普通話及日語的員工,其顧客主要是日本和台灣的旅行團遊客(這也和導遊的佣金有關吧)