

I got loads of fabric swatches from the design studio at work. (Thanks Helen! Believe me, when I saw them I was like a little child in a candy shop.) Dermot said I should make good use of them. (He's just kind enough not to say if they are of no use to me, I'd rather like a compulsive hoarder.......)

Above: This is Milly, a companion to Percy. (I can post a pic of Percey for those who haven't met Percy before. If you've been to my place, you know that's the cat which serves as a draft stopper at the front of our kitchen door.)

Below: A hanging fabric vase. I put a little jar glass with flower inside and hanged it at the window as a decorative device.

2 則留言:

Unknown 說...

Look really nice!! Decorating your house is fun!!

不再thin的阿thiN... 說...

oh, i miss percy!! :D